
Friday, June 10, 2011

Religion and the Public Space: Valuable lessons from the Singapore model

By Roland Chia
(This article was originally published in the Straits Times, 10 June 2011, in association with Global Experts, a project of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, and reproduced at Trinity Theological College website.)

SINGAPORE more often makes the headlines for its economic performance than for its model of multiculturalism. Nevertheless, Singapore was a true example of a cosmopolitan city before many other regions started to experience diversity. Can the lessons learnt in this part of the world be of use to Europe today?

In February, British Prime Minister David Cameron presented a robust critique of state multiculturalism as it is practised in the West, and particularly in the United Kingdom.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Re-imagining World Christianity for the Church Universal: Andrew Walls and his Legacy

By Michael Nai Chiu Poon
(This article was originally a lecture given at Princeton Theological Seminary, 21 March 2011, and reproduced at Fulcrum website, a network of evangelical Anglicans.)

My aim in this lecture is to discuss the work of Andrew Walls with especial reference to his contribution towards world Christianity. I shall first set his work in context of transitions in the twentieth century, and then discuss Walls’ threefold work: in creating an international community of mission historians, in promoting documentation, and in developing solid study programmes in mission studies. I shall end by exploring the fundamental issues Walls poses for present-day churches.