(This article is originally a talk given at the Graduates’ Christian Fellowship Intersect Conference 2010 'Real World, Real Christian' on 19 March 2010 at the Singapore Bible College, reprinted in Graduates' Christian Fellowship Bulletins, issue July 2010, and reproduced at Graduates' Christian Fellowship website.)
This world which God has given us as a home has gone through a few “tsunamic upheavals” in recent years. I am not talking about the natural disasters, which have afflicted our region and brought about destructions to properties and deaths to thousands of people. The convulsions such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and the more recent worldwide economic melt-down, were implosions waiting to happen, due to frantic attempts by some unscrupulous CEOs and their finance officers at creative accounting. Before the world’s financial institutions were pulled down by some once-a-upon-a-time “darlings” of Wall Street, there were already hints of impending wider corporate disasters when one-time business giants like Enron, Arthur Anderson and Global Crossings, were brought to their knees because of market manipulations and high levels of corporate greed and scandals.

This world which God has given us as a home has gone through a few “tsunamic upheavals” in recent years. I am not talking about the natural disasters, which have afflicted our region and brought about destructions to properties and deaths to thousands of people. The convulsions such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and the more recent worldwide economic melt-down, were implosions waiting to happen, due to frantic attempts by some unscrupulous CEOs and their finance officers at creative accounting. Before the world’s financial institutions were pulled down by some once-a-upon-a-time “darlings” of Wall Street, there were already hints of impending wider corporate disasters when one-time business giants like Enron, Arthur Anderson and Global Crossings, were brought to their knees because of market manipulations and high levels of corporate greed and scandals.